Thursday, February 27, 2014

Shin Splints

Currently injured with Medial Tibial Stress.  The pain is on the inside of the tibia between the calf and ankle.  Specifically, I can feel small pockets of inflammation on the edge of the tibia where the posterior tibialis muscle, under your Achilles tendon, connects to the tibia. 

Ran 13 Miles for time 2 weeks ago.  After going back to training logs, it seems as though my "training load" was fine to accomplish the workout and I had been running 4-8 miles in weeks leading up during single runs.  Known causes can be: poorly fit or old shoes, muscular imbalances from leg to leg, hip tightness, over-pronation in the foot, poor form, running mostly on hard surfaces, progressing too quickly in distance, and under recovered muscles.

First rule after an injury, look back at training and see what you have done different recently.  For me, I have never experienced an injury around my shin but have been running for over 14 years!  One month ago I bought a new pair of the same shoes I have been wearing for 4 years without issue.  I am weekly working on muscular imbalances through strength training as well as improving form.  And training has been progressive to this point.  BUT I noticed as I looked back that I have not had a massage or seen the chiropractor in 3+ months (always use training as an excuse to get massages!), and I have not spent the time to foam roll/recover as much as I should.  In training, I have added in calf raises every other day to add strength to this area.  Over worked calves, under recovered calves and general tightness from not  seeing the chiro/masseuse led to this problem.  Easy find!

The Fix:
IMMEDIATELY stopped running the next day to keep from "inflaming" the issue.  Let my coach know what happened so he could adjust my schedule accordingly.  Waited one week to see if symptoms would subside on their own.  When the pain did not decrease, scheduled to see the chiropractor and get a massage.  Throughout the 1st week I began recovering everyday with foam rolling, compression socks, stretching, and an extra anti-inflammatory diet.  Cycling also provided relief as moving increases blood flow which aids the healing process in needy areas.   

At the chiropractor, she quickly identified the problem and immediately provided relief through a hip adjustment, foot adjustment, and calf release.  Then used dry needling in the irritated area and calf to create small lesions so my body would send extra blood to the area for faster healing.  The needles also provide a acupuncture-like muscle tension release.  With a little icing, ultrasound work to break up scar tissue, and professional taping of the area, I was already ready to hit the road again for a mid afternoon run (not really).  One day later I already feel improvement and look forward to the next run!

Training Adjustments:
Not much!!  Apart from not running, and this is why I love multi-sport, my weekly training load did not change and continued as if nothing happened.  With bike, swim, and strength training, there are always plenty of options for workouts.  The main point in this is that my goals this year did not need change because of an injury.  The problem is addressed, the training is adjusted, and we heal to run again.  This is the right progression!   

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